apropos of nothing

‘Lost’ Obsessives Decode the Obituary?

Courtesy of Dark UFO and ABC

Over on the fabulously detailed Lost fan site Dark UFO, the Lost obsessives are having a grand old time blowing up HD screen captures of the season finale and perusing them for clues. Most interesting is a new theory on the subject of the obituary Jack weeps over in the show’s flash-forward. Thanks to a post on another fan site — rumored to be from a show insider — and careful perusal of screen caps, many now think the obit is not for anyone named after philosopher and Panopticon inventor Jeremy Bentham but instead for someone named John Lantham (or Latham), who has hanged himself in Lost’s future.

Mostly, this site makes us want to buy an HDTV. God, do these screen captures look pretty.

Newspaper “Through the Looking Glass†[Dark UFO]

Earlier: ’Lost’: So Who Was That Dead Man?