quote machine

Vulture Now Officially Excited for James Blunt’s Spanish-Language Album

Photo: Getty Images

“I can say two things, ‘Tienes un condom’ and ‘Cosquillee mis pelotas.’ The first means ‘Do you have a condom?’ and the second is ‘Tickle my balls.’” James Blunt on his essential Spanish-language phrases [PR Inside]

“I fled to Berlin with the idea of having an Iggy or Bowie moment. I planned to hang with cool electro-clash kids and get a weird haircut. But I’m an old-fashioned soul. Straightaway, I was eating sausages, visiting baroque palaces and wearing lederhosen. ” Rufus Wainwright, whose German sensibilities steer toward the traditional [Times Online]

“I would say millions.” Stevie Nicks, estimating how much money she’s spent on cocaine in her life [Telegraph]

“Britney Spears. Wow. She is amazing. She is 25-years-old and she’s already accomplished everything she’s going to accomplish in her life. It’s mind blowing.” Sarah Silverman, after watching Spears’s VMA performance [US]

“I don’t compete against my friends. It always seems sort of strange. I couldn’t do the things Brad [Pitt] does, ever. So there’s no competition at all. I do have some competition with Matt Damon.” George Clooney, who chooses not to compare and contrast his art with that of his friends [OK]

Vulture Now Officially Excited for James Blunt’s Spanish-Language Album