
Emmys Announce Ten-Show-Long Lists for Best Series Awards

Clockwise from top left: Courtesy of AMC, Fox, HBO, ABC, NBC, and Showtime

Could this be the year The Wire finally gets an Emmy nomination? Could Mad Men break through? Is — gasp — Family Guy on its way to a Best Comedy Emmy? Maybe! The TV Academy’s Website posted ten-title long lists for its Best Drama and Best Comedy nominations, well in advance of July 17’s nomination announcement. The lists, after the jump.

Top Ten Comedy Series Finalists
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Family Guy
Flight of the Conchords
The Office
Pushing Daisies
30 Rock
Two and a Half Men
Ugly Betty

Top Ten Drama Series Finalists
Boston Legal
Friday Night Lights
Grey’s Anatomy
Mad Men
The Tudors
The Wire

Other than the glaring absence of Cavemen, the happy surprise on these lists is, of course, The Wire, famously ignored by the Emmys all these long years. Will David Simon’s prediction that the show will never win an Emmy be one last thing about his own show that Simon was wrong about? Or is this long list just the Emmys’ way of covering their butts? After all, they didn’t ignore The Wire, they put it in their Top Ten!

The lists are interesting in that you can pull from them groups of shows that would suggest a really exciting year at the awards (Family Guy, Conchords, Pushing Daisies, Weeds), or the opposite (Boston Legal, Grey’s Anatomy, House, Lost). It’s safe to bet that the actual nominees will be a mix of the boring and exciting. We’d make some predictions, but it’s gonna be hard to type between now and July 17 with all our fingers crossed. It5’[s reqally nopt as easy as y6ou’d thinjk.

Top 10 Drama and Comedy Finalists Announced [Emmy.org]

Emmys Announce Ten-Show-Long Lists for Best Series Awards