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My Morning Jacket’s Jim James Explains His Kermit-Like Singing Voice

Photo: Getty Images

“Television is a dangerous medium because it hypnotizes people and totally sucks the creativity out of your brain. But when it’s used correctly and thoughtfully, like The Muppet Show, it can be a really powerful thing. I sing a lot of songs in different voices, as different characters, and that probably crept in from The Muppet Show.” —My Morning Jacket’s Jim James [Dallas Morning News via PopMatters]

“It’s not the kids — it’s not the ‘gaggle of girls,’ it’s the ‘gaggle of parents.’ The parents are the ones who want the pictures. The girls are too shy so it’s really sweet. I love to wave at them and stuff. It’s really funny. The parents are the most excited. The kids are like: ‘Mom, let’s go,’ and she’s like: ‘No, we’re taking a picture, it’s really exciting for everyone in your class.’” Zac Efron on the cougars who love him [WENN via Starpulse]

“I wanted to take it to another level and do something different and touch some of those people who like me when I do that rock-edge flavor. I got a whole crew of people out there who heard me on the Howard Stern [Private Parts] soundtrack with the [Red Hot] Chili Peppers playing behind me.” LL Cool J on working with Richie Sambora [MTV]

“Some things should not be explained, not talked about, just left. It’s such an important thing for children, and I see too much of their expressions. There’s too much shock when they meet the real people playing these parts, because they’ve got something living inside their heads.” Alan Rickman will make you feel really bad about asking him to talk about Harry Potter movies [Movies Blog/MTV]

“I hope I’m able to walk if they make a third film. Guillermo is supposed to be going off now until the year 2013 to do The Hobbit and if you do the math and you know how old I am, it’s a real concern as to whether I’m going to have to do the whole thing from a chair or even an iron lung.” Ron Perlman on reprising Hellboy [PR-FemaleFirst]

My Morning Jacket’s Jim James Explains His Kermit-Like Singing Voice