“If I went off and did another fantasy film, everyone would say, ‘He’s not even trying,’ but if I went off and played a drug dealer, they’d say, ‘God, he’s trying way too hard.’” —Daniel Radcliffe [NYT]
“It’s embarrassing how little I’ve listened, or been taught. I mean, I had heard of Earl Grey, but I didn’t know he became prime minister, and I didn’t know he had as big an effect on politics as he did.” —Dominic Cooper, tea drinker [NYP]
“All my neighbors are loggers and ranchers and tough guys. One of them has a sign on his property that’s a big picture of a shotgun pointing at you, and it says, ‘We don’t call 911.’ I’m a fairly antisocial hermit type. So I like it up there.” —Bruce Campbell on his farm near Ashland, Oregon [NYT]
“We’ve got a character who’s an ex-astronaut; he’s the eighth man on the moon. It’s the kind of thing we can’t do in England, because we don’t have any astronauts.” —Matt Lucas on bringing Little Britain to America [LAT]
“I was in a bar, trying to remember the name of a Hitchcock film. Billy Joel walked in so [I asked him] but his security stepped in. I asked cops, but they were too caught up in Billy. Then I told a homeless guy, ‘I’ll give you $10 if you know the name.’ He responded, Notorious, 1946.” —Aasif Mandvi [NYP]