“I am a very hard worker, there isn’t much time during the day when I’m not thinking about work. I enjoy going out but I enjoy working more.” —Lindsay Lohan clears up any of the world’s lingering doubts [Female First]
“I get a lot of boos from kids around the world. When kids visit on set they’re all happy to meet Dan and Rupert [Grint]. When I come out they have a blank face and don’t want to shake my hand.” —Tom Felton, a.k.a Draco Malfoy, doesn’t have many friends [People]
“The truth is, there are almost no good old comic books out there. Those old comics turned out to be exactly as you’d expect: cheap junk produced quickly to sell to children. And a lot of it really does not hold up, on any level, at all. I mean, it depends; often you can like things because they’re bad. And there is a lot of charm in middle-of-the-road pop-culture junk. But if you’re really looking for top-notch work, it’s no surprise that it’s coming from the handful of names people have already heard.” —Seth on the one cultural product that has gotten better instead of devolving [AV Club]
“I can be pretty annoying.” —Bono finally admits what we’ve all been thinking for years [Spinner]
“I’m a lot more confident in my handsomeness than my wisdom.” —Brandon Flowers understands what puts food on his table [Guardian UK]
“I had an experience there a few years ago with a girl that I met in those parts who was one of those Lemurians, and any way this is called ‘Velouria’ because velour, Velouria, she was kind of covered in fur, you know what I mean. She was, you know, smooth and beautiful but it was just like, she was furry.” —The Pixies’ Black Francis just barely explains the inspiration for “Velouria” [Trip Wire]