There are certainly plenty of reasons to feel ambivalent about Universal’s 2009 holiday release It’s Complicated. First off, it was written and directed by Nancy Meyers, whose past projects include the cloying house-swap comedy* The Holiday and the menopause-fest that was Something’s Gotta Give. Secondly, this particular rom-com revolves around the harried love lives of well-to-do white fiftysomething divorcés, not typically considered to be a group that is particularly pathos-ridden. That said, we have a nagging suspicion that this movie might turn out to be … gasp … actually good! From the looks of the trailer, the cast — led by Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, and Steve Martin — seems to have developed a definite chemistry on the set. In particular, we are excited to see the pairing of Streep and Baldwin as a formerly married but currently divorced couple rekindling their long-since-extinguished flames of desire. And call us old geezers if you must, but any movie that pits Baldwin against Martin in a love triangle has our stamp of approval. Break out your liver pills, this one could be a DOOZY.
*We use that term very, very loosely.
Being White Is Hard: It’s Complicated [Videogum]