Who you tryin’ to get crazy with, ese? Don’t you know HBO is loco? The red-hot cable network has taken to Craigslist in order to recruit potential cast members for its new show, How to Make It in America. According to the bulletin, the show which is apparently the latest project from the producers of Entourage “takes place in the world of fashion and hipsters” and will be “shooting in NYC in all the hottest and trendiest locations.” And in addition to its not exactly tactful attempt to solicit “Lower East Side Domincan [sic] or Hispanic types (all ages),” HBO is also trying to recruit authentic-looking hipster types with authentic musical skills. While we appreciate the fact that no one wants to see “Hip and Trendy types with Real Bartending experience” clumsily pretending to know how to shred on a Stratocaster, we wonder if Guitar Hero prowess counts as “authentic musical skills”? If so, we’re totally giving our notice!
You Could Star (But Please Don’t Star) in Entourage: Lower East Side [Videogum]