Wedge Is Game: Ice Age’s Chris Wedge will direct a feature adaptation of Spore, the Electronic Arts video game released last year, in which players create custom creatures and habitats and then link them up with the creations of other players. Again, no clear narrative, as far as we can tell. In related news, hold out just a bit longer, world, as we’re almost done with our NBA Jam screenplay. [Variety]
Oh, Boy: Summer Heights High’s Chris Lilley is back at HBO, this time with a series co-produced by the network: Angry Boys will feature the same mockumentary setup and Lilley will once again play multiple characters, but this time the focus won’t be a high school but rather the wider premise of what it’s like to be a male in the 21st century. We’ve got two words for you on that subject: awe and some. [Variety]
The Future Rules: Warner Bros. will produce a feature-length adaptation of animated documentary series The Future Is Wild, which depicts scientists’ and zoologists’ projections for what the Earth will look like over the next 200 million years. It’s not clear if the combination animated–live-action–animatronic project will have a narrative, but it is clear that it will have, as in this picture, crazy-looking shark-bear combos wearing circus hats. [Variety]
Tips: Comedy Central has given a pilot order to Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down, a half-hour show based on Paul Sapiano’s 2006 indie feature. Apparently, “the show will chronicle the adventures of several young characters, with the narrator giving tips about ‘getting down.’” Well, we’re sold. [HR]
Anti-Crime: NBC is close to landing a deal for Midnighters, a new crime-fighting show in which a group of people born at midnight have access to the 25th hour of the day, which they use to fight crime. Oh, man, that’s cool and everything, but we’d probably use it for napping. Also, Salman Rushdie might be expecting some royalties here. [HR]
Baddest: Diddy has taken his Bad Boy label from Warner Music Group to Interscope, signing a deal for both future label releases and his own solo output. Plans for more Diddy solo albums? Hooray! [Billboard]