Glee to Take a Four-Month Vacation

Get set to riot, Glee fans: Now that the high-rated show-choir drama has helped propel Fox to its first-ever November sweeps victory, it’ll be shelved for four freakin’ months following its December 9 mid-season finale. Last night, the network announced its winter schedule and a return date of Tuesday, April 13 for Glee (meaning it’ll air on the same night and during the same time slot as Lost’s final episodes). According to the Hollywood Reporter, this is all presumably to accommodate creator Ryan McGinley Murphy, who’ll be busy these next few months directing the movie adaptation of Eat, Pray, Love. So if you feel the need to direct all of your anger and outrage at just one person, we’d recommend Julia Roberts.

Fox reveals midseason lineup – full schedule and premiere dates [Live Feed/HR]

Glee to Take a Four-Month Vacation