Perhaps emboldened by his Golden Globe–nominated performance as the hairy-armed and foulmouthed Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder, Tom Cruise has made the (possibly unfortunate) decision to try and be funny for an entire movie. His first post-Valkyrie project is Knight & Day (formerly known as Wichita), another in a long line of projects that try to straddle the great divide between action movies and relationship-driven comedies. Past attempts, like Get Smart and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, haven’t soared creatively, largely because these genres are two great tastes that, unlike peanut butter and chocolate, rarely taste great together. In this film, Cruise looks to be playing a goofier version of Ethan Hunt from the Mission: Impossible series, only instead of wooing the likes of Thandie Newton or Emmanuelle Béart with his dashing sleuthiness, he tries to win over Cameron Diaz with his toothy grin and a series of one-liners. You know, now that we think of it, there’s only one director who’s ever been able to successfully combine these disparate elements into an awesome film: James Cameron, take a bow!