Hey, did you love Paranormal Activity? You did? So did $107 million worth of other Americans. Did you love it enough to go see a bunch more movies just like it? Paramount sure hopes so — the studio behind the latest little movie that could is opening a “micro-budget” division for films that cost less than $100,000 to make.
Starting in 2010, Paramount will make up to twenty such movies a year. While some will be tryouts for new directors or fodder for a big-budget remake, others will make it to theaters. The funny thing is that the studio recently closed down Paramount Vantage, their division that made cheap movies … albeit, award-winning ones that nobody saw. Now they have a brand-new division for even-cheaper movies, but ones that will theoretically rock the box office. That means, we guess, lots of Paranormal Activity-style genre flicks that can’t afford special effects and have to scare you with loud thuds, orbs of light, and ominous darkness. We can’t wait!
Paramount to launch micro-budget movie division [Company Town/LAT]