axl rose

Axl Rose Disputes Charges of Tardiness, Admits to Sweating

If you were under the mistaken impression that 1:30 a.m. is a sub-optimal time to begin a pop-musical performance, then shame on you! Guns N’ Roses leader Axl Rose unleashed today a 778-word tweet announcing that he’s hired a new manager, commending John Varvatos for “keeping CBGB’s rockin’,†and blasting the press for parroting that made-up story about him banning Slash T-shirts at a Canadian show and claiming the two secret shows he played for New York Fashion Week started late.

Here’s Axl on his alleged tardiness:

Goin’ on late at Rose Bar nonsense: Nope, Nopity, Nope!! 1:30am on time! U got played!! We were asked to do a show for fans n’ friends etc. We were told when to arrive n’ when to play between 1 an 2am which we did exactly. We didn’t perform for the press or their deadlines other than that they were there. We do our best provided we r treated in the same manner to be polite n’ cordial. The past can kiss ur ass, not gonna happen here. Under other circumstances n’ advance arrangements things may have been or be different, w/these shows they weren’t.

Also, for any fans upset that they didn’t get in, he would advise them to cool down with an adult beverage:

Not doin’ surprise shows for the hardcore fans nonsense: Sorry some feel that way. Saw a lot at both gigs singin’ every word in every song. We made efforts to get several if not all fans who contacted us n’ were in town into these gigs. We also didn’t know most of the guests as we don’t live here n’ for that matter what makes some internet fan more hardcore than whoever else anyway, oh that’s rt…nothing!! Some just like 2 bitch 2 bitch. So if ur complainin’ n’ u drink beer, today I recommend a Lucky or perhaps a Red Stripe…if ur still peeved…again, fuck off.

Additionally, some reports from the secret shows mentioned his hard-working sweat glands. Axl responds:

I sweat nonsense: On ur mama! Really? That’s what u write about? No shit! I work hard, it’s good for ya n’ I smell better than u!!

He’s got us there — say what you will about the guy, but we were near the front at Sunday’s show and can indeed confirm that the man smells terrific.

Axl Rose [Twit Longer]
Axl Rose Refutes Rumors, Announces New Manger in Supersize Tweet [Rolling Stone]
Earlier: Sebastian Bach Saved Axl Rose’s Life!
Guns N’ Roses Played Another Secret New York Show, We Think

Axl Rose Disputes Charges of Tardiness, Admits to Sweating