“People can sneakily have a little hold and put it back down again … because basically everybody wants to touch it, everybody wants to hold it and go, ‘Oh, my gosh,’ and, ‘How heavy is it?’ So I figured if I put it in there, then people can avoid the whole, ‘Where’s your Oscar?’ thing.” —Kate Winslet on keeping her Oscar in the bathroom [GMTV via Contact Music]
“I think we’re going to do a Die Hard 5 next year … it’s got to go worldwide.” —Bruce Willis [MTV]
“It is extremely difficult but we are together, yes. We can’t arrive at the same time because of the fans, it goes crazy. This was supposed to be a public appearance as a couple but it’s impossible.” —Robert Pattinson on Kristen Stewart [Hello]
“She doesn’t drink or do drugs. People say bad stuff about her and how she can’t act but they only say that because she’s beautiful. She’s the most talented actress I’ve worked with. When she cries in a scene, I get emotional.” —Mickey Rourke on Passion Play co-star Megan Fox [IMDB]
“Victoria Beckham is so nasty. Why doesn’t she just go home?! Her dresses are beautiful, but I don’t care what she does. She’s mean to all the people around her. She’s too short to be a diva. We all use the same hairdressers, make-up artists, limo-drivers and greeters at the airports in LA and nobody has anything nice to say about her. They says she’s rude. She can’t always just be having a bad day.” —Joan Rivers [Closer via Mirror UK]
“[I]f only it weren’t for Susan Boyle! I’m happy for her success, but that album is terrible. ‘Wild Horses’ is the one that made me laugh the hardest. I just died when I heard it, I was crying with laughter. It was the most horrendous, sacrilegious treatment of that song!” —Adam Lambert on being beaten in album sales [GayTimes UK]
“Try to live everyday as if it was your last. You should shit a lot and cry.” —Mel Gibson [MonstersandCritics]