Andrew W.K. has an impressively varied résumé — musician, club owner, motivational speaker, TV host — to which he can now add book critic. The hard-partying rocker took part in the Morning News’ annual Tournament of Books, reviewing Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall and Marlon James’s The Book of Night Women in today’s semifinal round. As can be expected, AWK’s prose is earnest and positive, declaring that both books are “humbling in a good way” and that he is “100 percent sure” reading them made him “at least 0.10 percent smarter.” He ultimately chose Wolf Hall to advance to the next round of the tournament, noting its “intricate book production,” but made a point of apologizing to Mantel and James in advance for having to resort to “amorphous critical protocols” in making his selection. Needless to say, this is pretty much the best book review to ever end with “PARTY HARD!!!” [Morning News]