Comic-book author Mark Millar, the outspoken creator of Kick-Ass, is furious with Marvel for allegedly ripping off his idea for a story in which vampires attack mutants. According to Millar’s rants on his personal message board, he had planned a story involving vampire mutants and the vampire hunter Blade five years ago for Marvel’s Ultimate Comics Avengers series, but the very same idea seems to be the basis of an Uncanny X-Men story arc set to be published two months prior to Millar’s own tale. Since details concerning the X-Men story have been limited to teaser images featuring Blade and a vampire version of the teenage X-Man Jubilee, it’s difficult to tell how much of Millar’s paranoia is justified. The writer has since deleted his posts — though they have been preserved on Robot 6 — and announced that he has spoken to Marvel brass, who have promised to “fix” this situation. [Robot 6]