God bless the comeback that helped put Mickey Rourke within gaffe-making distance of a reporters’ tape recorder on this kinda slow news day. In a delightful interview with Moviehole, in ostensible promotion for next week’s Iron Man 2, Rourke again praised the acting ability of Megan Fox, with whom he appears in the upcoming Passion Play, while insulting that of an unnamed recent female co-star (in February, he told EW, “The Wrestler was quite tough. There wasn’t much chemistry there … With Megan and I, there’s a lot of chemistry and a lot of respect”). Also, as a special bonus, he took a shot at the wife of one of his former directors.
Says Mickey:
Is it big-budget movies [for you] all the way now?
No, I just did a smaller movie with Megan Fox and a first time director. It wasn’t like working on Iron Man, but creatively it was a lot of fun. She was great to work with … I mean, look at her! And it was also great to work with someone who may be beautiful and good-looking but also knows how to do her homework. I think people will have a different perspective of her [after this film].
We assume when he says “Robert Rodriguez’s wife” he means Rose McGowan, whom Rodriguez never actually married, but controversially cast in a bunch of his projects before they split last year. Or maybe he means Rodriguez’s ex-wife, Elizabeth Avellan, who was a producer on Sin City — so hard to tell!
Also, there’s this:
If Sin City 2 ever happens are you interested in being a part of it?
If it happens — I mean, that’s another movie that’s three hours of make-up, but was fun to do — and as long as Robert Rodriguez’s wife isn’t involved in it.
We assume when he says “Robert Rodriguez’s wife” he means Rose McGowan, whom Rodriguez never actually married, but controversially cast in a bunch of his projects before they split last year. Or maybe he means Rodriguez’s ex-wife, Elizabeth Avellan, who was a producer on Sin City — so hard to tell!
And who “shits herself”? Because Rourke is on record as having enjoyed working with Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler (“She’s a hell of a talent and was very brave for taking her clothes off all the time. I enjoyed looking at her”), we’re going to guess he means Evan Rachel Wood, with whom he was romantically linked before she told Rolling Stone last year, “I feel disrespected by the press and by Mr. Rourke … I’m not attracted to him. He’s too old for me.” But we guess he could also mean either Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson from Iron Man 2. We bet he’ll clarify in future interviews, whether anyone asks him to or not.
Mickey Rourke [Moviehole]