Jezebel got a crack at an early script for Easy A, the upcoming Emma Stone movie that just might be the swan song for Stone’s co-star, retired actress Amanda Bynes. The film, in which a bookish high-school girl changes her reputation by having loud, fake sex with her gay friend in order to bolster his cred, looks like a more raw Mean Girls:
“In Olive’s [Stone’s character’s] world, as it stands in this draft, the f-bomb is dropped liberally, and the words ‘cunt,’ ‘twat,’ and ‘cum dumpster’ also make appearances … Olive is a cross between Rory Gilmore, Cady Heron, and Veronica Sawyer: she’s very smart, willing to play the game, and she commits to her ‘whorish’ reputation defiantly, admitting early on that she’s perhaps assumed this identity in order to fit some bizarre high school narrative wherein everyone has to play to extremes to be noticed … There will be a ton of memorable lines, on a Mean Girls scale, coming out of this film: the script is a pop-culture goldmine filled with references to teen classics like Say Anything.”
The script may have been watered down in later drafts, but let’s hope not, because we’re overdue for another Heathers-like, foul-mouthed high-school movie.
Previously: Easy A Trailer: High-School Girl Pretends to Be Easy
Previously: Easy A Trailer: High-School Girl Pretends to Be Easy