“I have to edit my show every day for six hours — I’m in there with me talking. It’s brutal, to tell you the truth. I look horrible. I just can’t believe that people would watch me. It’s grotesque. I can’t even laugh at it — it’s too horrifying.” —Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm [Dazed Digital]
“Yes. But you exploit everyone in a film and I think we’ve been responsible. We set up a lot for them before any fuss started. We put them into school and set in place a trust that will look after them until they are 17. When the film became a huge hit, we got money from the profits to buy houses. Rubina has still not moved into the property, but the process is ongoing. I saw them the last time I was there.” —Danny Boyle on whether he exploited the Slumdog Millionaire kids [Daily Express UK]
“[T]he worst downside, and I don’t consider this a downside, the worst thing that anybody could say is that I was gay and if somebody said that I guess they would be wrong, but I also wouldn’t care and as far as being typecast, that’s not the case, nonetheless I would be happy to play 100 gay roles as long as they were always good parts.” —James Franco on playing gay characters [Independent UK]
“Honestly, the only thing that’s changed since winning an Oscar is that people now ask me how my life has changed since winning an Oscar. … I remember about the week before the Oscar ceremony, I remember asking my agent in London, who happens to be an American who was brought up in Rhode Island, and I said to him ‘Can you take some time at some point to explain to me what the Academy Awards are because I feel a little guilty that I’m in this sort of strange circus and I don’t really understand what the Academy Awards are. I’ve never seen them on the television and I’ve certainly never been to one and I don’t really understand why they’re such a big deal for people who have access to them on the television.’” —Tilda Swinton [Cinematical]
“I’m a Lord of the Rings fan. And I’ll go on the forums. And they’ll complain that Frodo is eating the Lembas bread outside of Mordor instead of the in the Mines of Moria. And they get really mad. You cannot focus completely on pleasing them because you’ll never win. They’ll never be happy no matter what you do.” —Megan Fox [PopEater]
“I started writing and acting in these little plays and then I was discovered by Dustin Hoffman. He got me my first audition for a film he was in, called I Heart Huckabees. … I was 17 or 18 and I made this crank call CD that he really liked. I would call up hotels and pretend to be the assistant of a celebrity, asking what kind of weird things I could bring into the hotel. Once, during Oscar season, I asked about bringing in an aquatic tank for a pet seal, and they started figuring out all the different valves we’d need, the water pressure and stuff. Dustin thought it was so funny he made me do crank calls live for his family.” —Jonah Hill [Guardian UK]
“It’s a little early to tell. I hear the same thing. And the minute I heard it, I told everyone, ‘I’m in.’ I’ll do this forever.” —Jerry Ferrara, a.k.a. Turtle, on rumors of an Entourage movie [LAT]
“I think the makers of sequels just get soft and lazy and don’t think they need to try any more. I’ve heard that about Iron Man 2. I haven’t seen it yet but I have heard that it’s not as good as the first one for that very reason. Thankfully, Toy Story 3 is as good if not better than the original.” —Michael Keaton, who voices Ken in Toy Story 3 [Daily Express UK]
“Doesn’t everyone have someone like Edward in their family that seems to be in a problematical relationship?” —Twilight’s Peter Falcinelli [Parade]