Judd Apatow: ā€˜Iā€™ve never been able to write prose well.ā€™

Judd Apatow on why he writes for the screen instead of the page: ā€œIā€™ve never been able to write prose well. Iā€™ve certainly sat down and attempted to write short stories, but I get up from the chair very quickly. I donā€™t have the mastery of language thatā€™s required. One of the reasons why a lot of my characters are high is that itā€™s easier to write for people who are stoned, who are not very smart and donā€™t know big words. I donā€™t have a great power of description. Even my screenplays donā€™t describe things well. Some screenplays, they go to great detail about what the setting looks like and feels like, and Iā€™ll just go ā€˜Interior. House.ā€™ And thatā€™s it. But I admire people who do it very well.ā€

Judd Apatow: ā€˜Iā€™ve never been able to write prose [ā€¦]