Jon Hamm’s got some comedic chops, but he couldn’t sell us on last night’s endless sketches about absolutely nothing. Even Nikki Finke took the time out of her busy Halloween to write, “OK, I’ve watched almost an hour of Saturday Night Live tonight and it SUCKS. Just like its other shows this season. When they can’t even find anything amusing to say about Halloween, it’s time to hang it up. Jeez, why is it so hard for showbiz to do funny that’s actually funny?” Last night’s episode was heavy on meandering, silly sketches — largely apropos of nothing — and packed no punch. Even the cold open felt lengthy, and that was way before we got tired, and it was about Joe Biden, who is always funny! While Hamm was generally an exciting presence — if only to see him so far from Mad Men — the sketches weren’t particularly on-point or incisive. We should add that Rihanna was awesome, sexy and catchy and all of that, selling us hard on her new singles. Check it out for yourself, eh?
Most Painful Reminder That Jon Hamm Is Not Actually Don Draper
No, you’re not supposed to be nervous. Ever. You’re not supposed to smile like that, unless this is one of the California-set scenes, which it isn’t. You’re certainly not supposed to try so transparently hard. And if you end up endearing, it’s in spite of yourself. Oh, wait, you’re an actor, and not actually Don Draper. Shoot. Then at least you’re supposed to be funny? The idea was that these were bad ideas for ad campaigns, but they were still mostly just bad ideas.
Least Creative Take on the Internet
The idea is good: People whose lives have been ruined by embarrassing videos of themselves on the Internet. That has potential to be funny. There are things to say about the Internet, right? But, instead, it comes off lengthy and dated, when in fact most embarrassing viral videos are already just funny.
Most Unexpectedly Delightful Depiction of Lounge Singers
We haven’t been to our local lounge in some time now, but this is how we picture it. Kristin Wiig does the bizarre classy lady well, and Jon Hamm looks funny in those glasses.
Most Disappointing Team-Up
Rihanna and Andy Samberg could have done something awesome. And while Rihanna (who performed wonderfully on her own) and Andy Samberg are still fun to see together, we bet they were funnier hanging out with each other off set than they are in this digital short.
Most One Where Jon Hamm and Jason Sudeikis Kiss on the Lips
All right, so this wasn’t our favorite episode. Here are some jokes on homoeroticism and, voilà, the aforementioned smooch. It comes at the end if you want to fast-forward through the rest. Enjoy! Happy Halloween!