Every Day a Pitch: New Line is planning a sequel to its ensemble love story Valentine’s Day, which was basically a series of short films with beautiful bold-faced names. The sequel, New Year’s Eve, is currently in the planning stages, and producers are in talks with Robert De Niro (“a bitter dying man in a hospital”), Michelle Pfeiffer (“a frustrated executive secretary who decides to tackle her unfulfilled resolutions”), Hilary Swank (“a producer of the famed Times Square New Year’s Eve show”), and Ashton Kutcher (“a guy who hates New Year’s Eve). Abigail Breslin and Lea Michele are already slated to star. [HR]
No, I Am Spartacus: Stephen Amell, Aiden Turner, and Liam McIntyre are the finalists to take over the lead role in the Starz flagship drama Spartacus: Blood and Sand, which will soon begin production for its second season. The original lead, Andy Whitfield, dropped out in September after he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. [Deadline]
Roll Them Bones: Fox is moving the episode that would kick off its planned spinoff of Bones about “The Locator,” another really awkward and bright crime-solver. The episode will be moved from next month to next February or March. [Movieline]