Chloë Sevigny was recently photographed looking cozy with Jersey Shore’s Pauly D at a Knicks game, but she claims they’re not dating. (And, upon closer inspection, Sevigny’s ex Harmony Korine may have been sitting with her at the game in question as well.) “No [we’re not dating],” Sevigny said. “But I wish, because that would be hilarious. That would be the weirdest couple in the world. It would be like the apocalypse. We represent extremes, in opposite directions.” This is true! In any case, Sevigny, who says she’s single, has nice things to say about Pauly: “I haven’t watched that many episodes, but if I were to pick one of the dudes on the show, I’d definitely pick him. He seems more affable and kind of funny and easygoing.” (Also true!) Would Sevigny ever appear on reality TV herself, though? “That sounds like hell. After having done this whole slew of press for Big Love, I’ll have anxiety dreams for a week about the stupid things I said. I had a dream the other night that I was on Jersey Shore. One of the girls was like, ‘You know that the cameras are always on? I can’t believe that you’re doing that.’” Well, we’re still rooting for these two to make it work. [Interview via ONTD]