The trailer for Max Winkler’s buzzy debut film, Ceremony, has arrived. The film stars Michael Angarano as the Jason Schwartzman (or Ben Braddock) prototype, a nerdy but well-coiffed aspiring children’s book author, crashing the extremely idyllic-looking Long Island-set wedding of the woman he believes to be his true love, played by Uma Thurman. Thurman’s marrying an accomplished filmmaker who also seems to be a hot jerk. But notice the trailer’s telling details: Drab sweaters with collars sticking out. Wayfarers. Smokers addressing the fact that they’ve just started smoking. This is a plainly hip production. Early reviews at Toronto called the screenplay “complex, interesting and engrossing.” So it’s a hip production we’ve heard has substance, and we’re already endeared. Angarano, it seems, might even shake the “Jason Schwartzman prototype” label we just gave him. And Winkler’s already redirecting the conversation from “Henry Winkler’s son made a movie” to “Check out this Rushmore-like trailer.” Kudos!