Rumors of Bill Clinton’s involvement in the sequel to the hit film The Hangover have been greatly exaggerated. Yes, Clinton dined with the cast while in Bangkok last year, and yes, he did visit the set with a Secret Service entourage the following day, but that’s it. “He stopped by the set because the Secret Service guys were like, ‘Hey, that would be fun on the way out of town to stop by a movie set,’” explained director Todd Phillips. “But you can’t control what somebody writes on the Internet.” Ditto to Charlie Sheen’s rumored involvement in the sequel. “Somebody on some tiny little site made something up that said Charlie Sheen was in talks for Hangover 2 and then it gets picked up on every other site as a fact,” he said. “It’s not true. It’s so frustrating.” Yes, isn’t buzz about your movie so annoying? [EW]