Helen Mirren hosted Saturday Night Live last night, and she sexed up the show a bit. (Well, memorable sketches involved motor-boating and same-sex kisses, at least.) The episode was a bit uninspired altogether — Mirren seemed game for anything, but only had so many surface-level impressions and boob jokes to work with — but it still had its share of funny Jewish accountants and solid Kardashian impressions. Critics mostly hated it, as they’re wont to do: Entertainment Weekly noted that the episode was “so light on laughs, the entire 90 minutes might best be viewed as an experimental pilot for a new, post-comedy SNL.” HitFix gave high marks to Helen Mirren, calling her performance “pretty fantastic” and commending her for being “ready for anything.” Movieline dubbed Mirren’s turn “a massive disappointment” and the jokes “flat, flat, flat.” But across the pond, the Daily Mail said Mirren was “very daring” and “naughty.” So she’s still got that going for her. Anyway, watch the headline-making clips that Hulu had ready the next morning.
Most Ridiculous
The digital short, “Helen Mirren’s Magical Bossom,” allowed SNL to run a reel of historical moments and to have Nasim Pedrad grabbing Helen Mirren’s breasts. Winning.
Most Impressions Packed Into One Sketch
We have a soft spot for Andy Samberg, and his Jewish accountant impression landed. Plus, Paul Brittain’s James Franco and Abby Elliot’s Khloe Kardashian are still going strong.
Best Excuse for a Girl-on-Girl Kiss
What was the joke supposed to be? That The Kennedys movie was inaccurate? In any case, Abby Elliott’s making out with Helen Mirren!
Most Unexpected
Hugh Jackman: Both the most masculine and most feminine man in the world, indeed.
Attempted Return to Form
The Foo Fighters’ performance was heartfelt, if nothing new from the angsty hit-makers.