This week, the eighth and final film in the Harry Potter series arrives in theaters (with David Edelstein’s seal of approval). No small part of the movies’ appeal has been the opportunity to watch the actors who play Harry, Hermione, and Ron — Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint — grow up alongside their fictional alter egos. Ten years ago, when the franchise began, they were adorable little tykes; now they’re adorable little adults (Daniel never did hit that growth spurt). If we want to see them undergo this much change ever again, we’re going to have to catch up with them when they’re entering their seventies. So until then, remind yourself how aw-inspiring the aging process can be, with these photos chronicling their growing pains, in the movies and on red carpets. See Daniel Radcliffe make the transformation from boy-wizard to man-wizard, Emma Watson go from cutie patootie to cover girl, and Rupert Grint traverse the awkward stage.