Felicity Jones broke out for romancing someone her own age in Like Crazy, but for her next few projects, she’s going to shoot a little older. She recently reunited with Like Crazy director Drake Doremus to play a high schooler infatuated with teacher Guy Pearce in Doremus’s next film, and this past month, she was cast in a new Warren Beatty movie as the young woman who will woo his Howard Hughes. Now, Baz Bamingoye reports that Ralph Fiennes has cast Jones in his next directorial effort, The Invisible Woman, about a girl who became the mistress to Charles Dickens when he was 45 (and married!) and she was just 18. Fiennes probably won’t play Dickens himself, but if he did, he would be helping Felicity Jones assemble a very potent game of Fuck/Marry/Kill: Ralph Fiennes as Charles Dickens, Warren Beatty as Howard Hughes, or Guy Pearce as a hot high school teacher? (Feel free to play along yourselves in the comments.)