Steve Buscemi Returns to 30 Rock as a Director and Guest Star

Steve Buscemi will direct an episode of 30 Rock airing Feb. 16, and he’ll also guest star as the wonderfully sad private detective Len Wosniak.

Says Fey of the plot: “After Jack gets mugged, he tries to reach out to his connections on the police force [saying,] ‘I know Commissioner Ray Kelly. We have a column in Irish Arguments Weekly, the only all-caps magazine. But he hasn’t gotten back to me on this.’ Jack wants Len to help him form a private police force where the salary starts at $5 million, so the police have the same interest in protecting the rich.”

Oh gosh, what would Len Wosniak do with $5 million? Probably buy a bunch of trenchcoats and some really weird porn that he has to ship from New Zealand. And a copy of Private Detecting For Dummies.

Steve Buscemi Returns to 30 Rock as a Director and […]