Watch Vulture’s Trip to the Uggie-Dominated Golden Collar Awards

In China, 2011 was the year of rabbit, but in Hollywood, it was the year of the dog! (This intro stolen from Entertainment Tonight’s brainstorming wipeboard.) The Artist’s Uggie humped moviegoers’ souls, Hugo’s Blackie fetched our love, and Beginners’ Cosmo heart-wormed his way into the dog-actor Hall of Fame. And to capture this canine bitegeist (thank you, Billy Bush’s shredder!), Dog News Daily held the first annual Golden Collar Awards in Los Angeles last night and everyone who’s anyone — provided they had their shots — was there: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Giggy! Modern Family’s Stella (real name Brigitte)! And, of course, the awards’ reason for being, Uggie! Vulture sent recapper extraordinaire Julie Klausner out to Hollywoof (copyright Jerry Penacoli’s dream journal) to interview all the biggest and hairiest names in the movies, so click on to see the most glamorous barking around.

Watch Vulture’s Trip to the Uggie-Dominated Golden Collar Awards