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Chris O’Dowd Wants to Pair Off With Jon Hamm

Photo: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Chris O’Dowd says that Friends With Kids was a Bridesmaids reunion of sorts, given that he, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, and Jon Hamm all appear in both films. “We really like working together, so it’s a nice thing,” he told us last night at Amnesty International’s Secret Policeman’s Ball. O’Dowd was Wiig’s boyfriend in Bridesmaids, and plays Rudolph’s husband in Friends With Kids, but the next time the ensemble reassembles, he wants to shake things up a little bit. “I’ll be with Jon Hamm,” he said. “It’ll be a more progressive comedy.”

Between Bridesmaids’ bawdiness and the night’s theme of freedom of speech, we had to ask: What’s O’Dowd’s favorite curse word? “I’m going to go with cunt,” he told us, “because I feel like it does what all good swear words should do, which is hit a nerve. And it tastes delicious.”

Chris O’Dowd Wants to Pair Off With Jon Hamm