Here is what we know, as reported by TMZ and confirmed by the NYPD: Drake and Chris Brown were in fact at W.i.P (a separate club in the basement of Greenhouse) at the same time last night. Some sort of altercation occurred. Cops were called to the scene between 4 and 5 a.m., but neither Rihanna ex was present, and no one from their entourages was arrested.
Here is what we know, as tweeted, then deleted, by one (seemingly intoxicated) Chris Brown: The singer sustained a small cut to his cheek — photo evidence is here — and claims that a tossed bottle did the damage. (“Throwing bottles like girls? #shameonya” and “Bottles? It’s nothing! Lol”) He also maybe implied that Drake was hiding in the bathroom.
The rest of the story is totally, 100 percent rumor at this point — even TMZ hasn’t confirmed it! — but it’s too juicy not to share: According to the Sun, the whole showdown started when Brown sent a bottle of Champagne to Drake’s table “as a peace offering” (unlikely). Then Drake returned the bottle with a note that read, “I’m fucking the love of your life, deal with it” (more unlikely, but amazing) and Chris Brown flew into a rage (yeah). Drake came out swinging, and things devolved from there.
Update: Chris Brown’s Chin speaks! (On a fake Twitter.)
Update No. 2: Drake has issued a statement denying that he had anything to do with the actual fighting. (“Drake did not participate in any wrongdoing of any kind last night at W.i.P. He was on his way out of the club when the altercation began.”) TMZ’s eyewitnesses say that Drake started yelling at Brown, Brown yelled back, and then both crews jumped in, which is when the shoving and the bottle throwing started.
Meanwhile, TMZ has more sources singling out Meek Mill, who was hanging at Drake’s table and also reportedly got in a screaming match with Brown. (The two trash-talk sessions are probably not mutually exclusive.) The sources in question cannot verify exactly what or whom Meek and Brown were arguing over, except to specify that it was “NOT about Rihanna.” One of TMZ’s witnesses says Meek threw the bottle; Meek’s Twitter disputes that claim (or verifies it, depending on how much you want to read into 4 a.m. rapper tweets. Doth Meek Mill protest too much, etc.)
Finally, TMZ has photos of the damage at W.i.P., and yeah, they really did break a few bottles. Go look.
TMZUpdate No. 3.: The Daily News has police sources confirming that Brown sent a bottle of champagne and that Drake responded with a note; their version of Drake note reads, “I’m still fucking Rihanna,” which, no way. Drake! Then the report gets crazier: “All hell broke loose” after the note (obviously) and then “Drake’s 15-member entourage — a dozen pals and three security officers — peeled off their shirts as the fighting kicked into gear.”
By this account, Drake both punched Brown and hit him in the face with a bottle. The paper also has photos of the head wounds sustained by one of Brown’s bodyguards and an unlucky 24-year-old Australian tourist who got caught up in the fight. Be warned: they are gory.