Game of Thrones has a whole lot to offer — including dramatic battle scenes, a cast of dozens, and plenty of character names that use the letter Y — but it may be best known for its heaping helpings of nudity. Empire.com recently welcomed Neil Marshall, who directed this season’s penultimate episode, and he had a revealing explanation for who’s to blame (or credit) for all that sexposition. Said Marshall, “The weirdest part [of directing Game of Thrones] was when you have one of the exec producers leaning over your shoulder, going, ‘You can go full frontal, you know. This is television, you can do whatever you want! And do it! I urge you to do it!’ So I was like, ‘Okay, well, you’re the boss.’”
So there’s never been any pressure to tone down all the unclothed moments? “Not in the slightest!” exclaimed Marshall. “This particular exec took me to one side and said, ‘Look, I represent the pervert side of the audience, okay? Everybody else is the serious drama side, [but] I represent the perv side of the audience, and I’m saying I want full frontal nudity in this scene.’ So you go ahead and do it.” Two questions: Who might this horndog executive producer be? And has anyone introduced him to Lars Von Trier?