At last night’s National Board of Review Awards, we offered our condolences to David O. Russell, who had gotten snubbed earlier in the day by the Directors Guild of America. This led to a rather glorious misunderstanding. First, his response: “What are you going to do?” he told us. “There’s a lot of wonderful directors, and you just happen to be part of it, and we’re still in the game. And like Micky Ward taught me, you always keep your head up, you know? So we’re very happy to be here.” Now the misunderstanding: Vulture thought he said Mickey Rourke. (Ward is the real-life boxer portrayed by Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter.) “When did Mickey Rourke teach you this?” we asked diligently. Then the lightbulb went off in our heads. “Oh, wait, you said Micky Ward — it’s loud in here!” This made O. Russell laugh. “Micky Ward!” he reiterated. “Mickey Rourke said, ‘Always carry a Chihuahua, get good cheek implants, date [Wild Orchid star] Carré Otis, make a film with Darren Aronofsky.’” For a guy who’d just gotten snubbed, he sure was a hoot. Also, Mickey Rourke: Your turn.