There’s nothing wrong with a little dancing, right? But in this exclusive scene from the horror thriller Stoker, opening this Friday in limited release, just about everything is deliciously wrong with this soft-shoe routine, as Nicole Kidman is engaging in a pas de deux with the mysterious brother (Matthew Goode) of her freshly deceased husband, who’s just moved into their mansion with no end to his stay in sight. Meanwhile, spying on this inappropriate dance is Kidman’s daughter Mia Wasikowska, who’s also wrestling with some taboo stirrings for her uncle, though there is more to every one of these characters’ agendas than initially meets the eye. While this could all be the log line for some run-of-the-mill domestic drama, in the hands of director Park Chan-wook and writer Wentworth Miller (yes, the actor from Prison Break), it’s a lot of bloody fun. Enjoy!