Taylor Swift continues her national magazine tour on the cover of Vanity Fair this month, and the accompanying story begins with a slight bomb: Taylor throwing shade at none other than Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. “Katie Couric is one of my favorite people,” she says in reference to their Golden Globes joke warning Swift to stay away from Michael J. Fox’s son. “Because she said to me she had heard a quote that she loved, that said, “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” There is also probably a special place in Twitter hell for people who square off against superwomen Liz Lemon and Leslie Knope under the guise of feminism. Katie Couric is like, why’d you drag me into this? (So is Madeline Albright, we’d guess, although Swift did not attribute the above quote to her in the article.)
Also of note: Taylor Swift would not talk about Harry Styles, but she did “authorize someone to discuss” him with Vanity Fair, which is a hilarious high-school move and totally Swift-ian. The source says Harry had a wandering eye, and disappeared one night in London, at which point everything fell apart. According to the magazine’s reporting, Swift also did buy a house in Hyannis Port (next door to her other ex, Conor Kennedy), but she has already flipped it. Let the Hathaway-like shredding of Taylor begin (again).
UPDATE: Amy Poehler has responded in a typically classy manner. “Aw, I feel bad if she was upset,” she told the Hollywood Reporter. “I am a feminist and she is a young and talented girl. That being said, I do agree I am going to hell. But for other reasons. Mostly boring tax stuff.”
UPDATE No. 2: Tina Fey points out the obvious: ““It was just a joke, and I think it was actually a very benign joke.”