In the past few days, Party Down co-creator Rob Thomas has raised over $3.5 million dollars to make a movie follow-up to his other cult hit series Veronica Mars, leading fans to wonder whether the same future is in store for Party Down. It turns out no Kickstarter is necessary, as Thomas and company are raising funding for it the old-fashioned way: through movie studios and production companies. Thomas tells HuffPo today, “We’re still hopeful that there will be a Party Down movie without Kickstarter. We’re already in the process of trying to make that happen, and I can’t say too much about that. There is work being done on script right now for Party Down.” Megan Mullally said last year that the gang was hoping to film the movie this summer, but it doesn’t look like that’s happening now. Maybe next summer once Rob Thomas is done with the Veronica Mars movie? Either way, you can look forward to at least another year of updates like this and at least another year of everyone involved with Party Down being badgered by bloggers about news on the movie.