Sometimes you don’t have a tape measure. Sometimes the tape isn’t long enough to accurately measure the size and greatness of whatever object you are gazing upon. Sometimes you can’t even measure its greatness with a system. Hugh Jackman knows this. So Hugh Jackman uses the estimation tools that God gave him. Here, let Hugh Jackman measure things for you.
How much money is Wolverine going to make, Hugh Jackman?
How excited are you for the next X-Men?
How tall were you when you first dreamed about being a superhero?
Heard you’re going on vacation after this. How big is the yacht you’ll be traveling on?
How much ice cream did you eat for dinner last night?
How much room was there between the car you just parked and the next one?
We heard you’re a Newsroom fan*. How much do you want Sloan and Don to get together?
What about Maggie and Jim?
Okay, let’s get personal. How stressful is it to be a movie star?
How angry are you about the way that Tom Hooper shot Les Miserables?
How great is the human heart’s capacity for love?
How much do you like measuring things?
* Note: We did not actually hear this. We also do not know whether Hugh Jackman ate ice cream for dinner last night. We would like to believe, though.