Octavia Spencer made a big confession at last night’s premiere of Fruitvale Station: “I never saw The Wire,” she told us. WHAT? Despite the fact that her co-star, Michael B. Jordan, played one of the show’s most memorable and tragic characters? “I’m actually disrespected,” Jordan laughed when we broke the news to him at the MoMA premiere. “I didn’t know that. Thanks for telling me. But you know snitches get stitches, right?” Realizing the error of our ways, we explained that Spencer actually wants to see the show — after all, she loved him in Friday Night Lights. This cleared the air. “I’m going to get her the box set [of The Wire],” Jordan promised. When we ran into him at the after-party at the Standard’s Boom Boom Room, he said the deed was already “done and done.” Now it’s on Spencer to binge-watch.