At a Comic-Con panel today for his new film Riddick, Vin Diesel re-affirmed his nerd cred early and often: Did you know that the Fast and Furious star is a part-time Dungeons and Dragons dungeon master in his off hours?
“I have friends that tease me and say that I’m attempting to D.M. Hollywood,” said Diesel. “Dungeons and Dragons, for me, was a training ground for imagination in so many ways. It didn’t take more than a couple of hours of playing before you really believed that you were this witch hunter, and the dice you were rolling was really your weapon.
Diesel got the audience to use their imaginations, in turn, when he was asked about the rumors (most of which have been started by Diesel himself on his Facebook page) that he’s met with Marvel for an upcoming movie. “It’s the one thing I’m not supposed to talk about,” he teased. “There is some very big news coming at the end of this month.” Could Diesel be joining the sequel to The Avengers? As the Vision, perhaps? Or does the studio have bigger plans for the sturdy action hero — plans that may involve getting his own superhero franchise? Stay tuned.