Aaron Sorkin is not a big Huffington Post fan these days. On The Newsroom last week, Maggie complained about HuffPo’s constant sideboob articles popping up when she searched for “sexism” (there’s got to be a better way, Maggie!), and then last night at a Q&A hosted by The New Republic, Sorkin himself weighed in, too. “There’s a lot of media now, a tremendous amount of media. And some of it is great and some of it is less than great and some of it, I believe, is a genuinely damaging force in our culture,” Sorkin said, according to Politico. He then mentioned the Huffington Post by name, according to Mother Jones, saying, ” … there’s just too much money to be made and too much fun to be had laughing at somebody else fail. And that’s become okay. It used to be the kind of thing that you didn’t do in public … and now it’s what covers … the homepage of the Huffington Post. ‘13 Epic #Fails.’”
Sorkin does not appear to have mentioned that he himself has written for HuffPo on four occasions nor did he consider the magical traffic-generating possibilities of epic sideboob fails. (For the record, Sorkin did not say that the Huffington Post “sucks.”)
In bigger news, he did say that HBO has asked for a third season of The Newsroom.