fame in 1998

1998 Quiz: How Well Do You Remember These Celebrity Quotes?

In 1998, Google was in beta, personal blogging sites were still on the horizon, and GIFs hadn’t much evolved past the Dancing Baby phase. In other words, back in the year Vulture has been celebrating all week, every inane whatnot blathered by a celebrity was not instantly mocked, parodied, repackaged, and reposted for immediate worldwide consumption on the Internet. Which is too bad, because there were kind of a lot of them! Whether at awards shows, outside courthouses, inside groundbreaking product launches, or on red carpets, famous people said some funny, surprising, and outright weird stuff in 1998. Most of it was quite memorable at the time, rehashed through analog pop-culture vacuums like late-night talk shows and print magazines. But how much of that chatter can you recall now? Take Vulture’s challenging twenty-question quiz to test your recollection of 1998 quotes, and stick around to see how your savvy rates on a scale from Furby to iMac.

How Well Do You Know 1998?

Who quipped during a cameo appearance on Saturday Night Live, “Don’t go all Minnie Driver on me, OK?“?
In a 1998 interview, the mother of which young actress said, “If one of these days it’s ‘Mommy, where’s my limo?’ I’m going to say, ‘Forget it.’”?
Which 1998 Emmy winner dedicated her award by exclaiming, “This is for all the fat girls!”?
After his hotly anticipated product crashed during a live demonstration, a tech guru said, “That must be why we’re not shipping [it] yet.” Which product was it?
Which presenter at the 1998 Academy Awards advised the night’s winners, “Take your time. Don’t listen to the music! Do your thing!”?
Who said at the 1998 Golden Globes, “You know, I knew that Don King was a character but I didn’t know you were crazy”?
Which musician with a book of poetry was Kurt Loder interviewing when he said, “Casualty doesn’t mean that, does it? Casualty’s, like, a guy gets his arm blown off”?
What groundbreaking medical treatment was famously described in a 1998 press conference with the words, “It’s a great drug, OK”?
After settling a beef with the cattle industry — pun intended — who famously told reporters in 1998, “Free speech not only lives, it rocks”?
Who announced while collecting a 1998 Grammy that he hadn’t accepted a previous Grammy in person because, “I ain’t think we gonna win so I ain’t come”?
Which game-show host was told by a contestant, “I don’t need your pity!”?
Fill in the blanks: “— is what I think art should be: dense, transformational, explosive life,” said an artist named Michael Portnoy.
Whose 1998 Oscar acceptance speech began, “I just want to thank everybody I’ve ever met in my entire life?”
The following words, printed in 1998, were written about whom: “We extended normal human trust to someone who basically lacked a conscience … We busy, friendly folks, were no match for such a willful deceiver”?
On which television show did a regular discuss the apology video he shot for his ex by saying “I’ll readily admit that I took my penis and my testicles and I left them at the door”?
Which rapper interrupted Shawn Colvin’s Grammy acceptance speech to say, “I went and bought this outfit today that costed a lot of money today. Y’know what I mean? ’Cuz I figured that Wu-Tang was gonna win”?
Which talk show is the female speaker of this quote referring to: “I didn’t know how I could do my job to the fullest feeling the animosity that I felt reading the Esquire article. I worked for two years, 15 hours a day, trying to make him a star and that show a success”?
Who said in a 1998 People profile: “I guess I don’t know the exact definition of anorexia. But I eat. I eat normally. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want. I don’t have a messed-up relationship with food … Am I anorexic? I guess my answer would have to be no”?
Speaking to Whitney Houston at the 1998 MTV Video Music Awards, who said, “Nice dress. That’s one-of-a-kind, huh? They told me mine was too, but you know what? I come prepared in situations like this.”
In 1997, comedian Norm Macdonald told Conan O’Brien that an upcoming film titled Chairman of the Board “should be called Box Office Poison.” Who was the star of the 1998 stinker in question?

1998 Quiz: The Year in Quotes