Hear us now: If you have not watched the first episode of House of Cards’ second season, then you must not open this post. You cannot open this post. There are spoilers in this post. Repeat: spoilers ahead.
But yes, okay, if you have watched the first episode, then you will want to see this moment on loop forever:

That happened! Zoe Barnes is dead, not 30 minutes into the second season, because she uncovered the truth about his plot to set up (then murder) Peter Russo. When I interviewed Kate Mara a few weeks ago, she said that she’d known about Zoe’s death since day one, and she pointed out the most obvious clue: Zoe’s British TV counterpart dies, too. (She gets pushed off a roof.) As for the American version, it’s not like anyone gets in Frank Underwood’s way and survives. Also, that Dick Tracy fedora should’ve been a dead giveaway:

That’s a murder hat for sure. Anyway, RIP, Zoe Barnes. You were very good at Twitter and manipulating people. We hope they have Slugline in heaven.