Having aired after the Super Bowl, last night’s New Girl could’ve had a sporty twist, but instead, it had a royal one. That’s because apparently, Prince is a giant fan of the show and decided that he wanted to make an extended appearance. See, Prince is allowed to do things like that. He’s Prince. The episode featured fallout over Nick having blurted out those three little words, with The Purple One acting as weirdo, therapist, and bandleader. Practically everything was GIFable, so here are the best.
Turns out, Nick was a huge Prince fan.

So when they ran into Prince (at his own party), this is what happened.

But then Prince became Jess’s very own “I love you” coach, because he’s Prince. (Did we mention that?)

His night with Jess included a fashion montage …

… weird closet games …

… and speaking with a butterfly. Someone get Prince his own Disney movie stat.