On Friday, Marvel and director Edgar Wright announced that they were parting ways on the upcoming superhero movie Ant-Man. No official reason, beyond creative differences, has yet been announced, but Wright broke his silence on the matter Saturday night by tweeting the edited photo to the left. According to ScreenRant, Wright quickly deleted the photo, which features silent film star/writer/director Buster Keaton holding a Cornetto ice cream cone (Wright’s trilogy of movies are known as the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy).
With the photo, which Wright titled “Selfie,” the director is referencing troubles Buster Keaton had with studio MGM when he signed a contract with them in 1928. Keaton said, “In 1928, I made the worst mistake of my career. Against my better judgment I let Joe Schenck talk me into giving up my own studio to make pictures at the booming Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lot in Culver City.” Fellow Marvel directors James Gunn and Joss Whedon also posted online after the split was announced, with Whedon tweeting a photo of his head hung low while he holds up a Cornetto cone in solidarity with Wright and Gunn writing a Facebook post about breakups that was supportive of both Wright and Marvel.