Mickey Rourke jumped back into the boxing ring in Moscow yesterday for his first fight in 20 years. The 62-year-old actor defeated Elliot Seymour, a man 33 years his junior, in two rounds of an exhibition match. The internet has been abuzz with allegations of match fixing, or, simply, that it was just a publicity stunt. Yes, if you watch the video below, the whole thing looks staged (I mean, it did take place in Russia). But some observations: 1) It was an exhibition, so the whole thing is about publicity anyway; 2) his opponent has a 1–9 record, so, yikes; but, finally, 3) he’s 62 years old, was a former boxer, then played a washed-up wrestler in an Oscar-nominated role, and now he’s back in the ring after losing, like, a million pounds (okay, 35). So whatever, just roll with it.