If there’s one good thing about being Kit Harington, it’s that he’s a successful, attractive, presumedly rich young man in the prime of his life. If there’s a bad thing about being Kit Harington, though, it’s that strangers keep approaching him in public asking him to smile. That’s right: Of the few things Jon Snow knows, one is what it feels like to be a woman. As the actor tells British GQ, the problem is his Mopey Resting Face. “[I] get people coming up to me in the street and asking if I [am] OK. But this is my default. I laugh, I make jokes, I just happen to reside in this face.” Harington also admits some of his onscreen work has been less than stellar: “I won’t name films but I’ve sat through private screenings, nearly in tears. Hating it. Thinking: this is the end, everything’s over.” Maybe he really is glum. Pompeii wasn’t that bad.