When we last checked in on James Cameron’s quixotic quest to fill America’s cineplexes with Avatar sequels whether they wanted them or not, he was delaying the release of his planned sequel trilogy after realizing it was very hard to plan three movies at once. Now, according to composer James Horner, Cameron has hit another snag: He and his writers have accidentally written four movies at once, and now must work very hard to cut the material back down to three sequels, as he originally planned. Though Horner was optimistic Cameron will “get that sorted out,” it’s clear that Cameron must continue to write Avatar sequels in order to sustain his life force. 2083 will bring us Avatar 97, and James Cameron will never, ever die.*
* The original version of this story implied that James Cameron was writing all the Avatar sequels himself. He is writing with a team that includes Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Josh Friedman, and Shane Salerno. It also misattributed the quotes to Howard Shore, a completely different composer altogether.