While filming the upcoming Central Intelligence, Aaron Paul decided to have a little fun and convince the internet that one of its biggest dreams was coming true. But instead of just dropping a cryptic tweet or joking on a late-night show, he launched an elaborate, multi-platform scheme. It started this weekend, when Paul went on Instagram to announce he was working on a “top secret” project, the details of which he would reveal soon. Then, on Monday, he launched a livestream on Periscope, where he promised whatever it was would be “not so top secret anymore.” Over the course of 12 rambling, laggy minutes, Paul told tales of a Jesse-centric Breaking Bad spinoff, written by Vince Gilligan and having something to do with Alaska — and then, almost immediately, announced that the whole thing was a joke he’d made up because he was bored.
Fans, predictably, were not happy:
To make it up to them, Paul announced that he was headed to see Mad Max and any Boston-area fans would be welcome to join. But it was too late — nobody will trust him ever again. (Unless, of course, he really does do the Jesse spinoff, in which case all will be forgiven.)