To get your hearts pumping for the next installment of True Detective, HBO released two new 30-second teasers for season two this weekend. The first is called “Chaos,” and the second, “Stand.” Fitting because it looks like there will be a lot of high-intensity chaos and standing this time round. “I need a direction to turn,” one of the true detectives says, “or I may just start pulling down walls.” Whoa, and then boom, things start burning, people start breaking things and grimacing, and the music starts getting freaky. That’s more or less how both very stressful teasers here go; it’s kind of like going to an emotional optometrist.
More intense on one?
Or two?
Either way, the show — with Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn, Rachel McAdams, and Taylor Kitsch — comes back June 21. Get ready.